Presentation Guideline
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  • Presentation Guideline

IWCN 2021 would like to express our appreciation for your contributions to the conference. Regarding your presentation, please kindly refer to the instructions and other detailed information below.

Download the Video-Recording Guideline (pdf) Presentation Video Upload


1 The presentation should be recorded with your voice (mandatory) and face (optional) by using the recordable tools (MS PowerPoint, OBS Studio, Zoom etc.).

** Be sure to record with horizontal screen when you record with mobile devices.

** Please do NOT use the paid voice codec tools such as Dolby etc.

※ Presentation Time

  • Regular Oral Talk: Up to 15 minutes
  • Short Oral Talk: Minimum 5 minutes to Maximum 10 minutes

※ Presentation File (PPT) Form (REQUIRED)

  • Presentation File Ratio: 16:9 size
  • File Format: .mp4
  • Screen Resolution: 720p

2 Presenters should upload their presentation files directly through the online upload system .

※ Submission Deadline of the Recorded Presentation Video File: April 30 (Fri.), 2021 May 7 (Fri.), 2021

3 Presenters and participants will be able to write/read comments through the online Q&A feature provided for each presentation during the conference period.